February 7, 2011

Super Bowl!!!

The Packers won!!!!

It was such a good game! Salm is from Wisconsin, so he obviously is for the Packers. However, I have come to love them too. Here are a few reasons why:

Ah, Clay Matthews. You are a fantastic man...
Don't get me wrong! Aaron Rodgers is good looking too, but in a different way.
Aaron Rodgers is more of a cute. 

Anyway. It was a good game! I was a little worried in the third quarter, but they pulled it out. I am still in shock that they made it there! It was a long bumpy road and I am so happy for them.
I love championship games. I love when they pour the gatorade on the coaches. That's my favorite part! And everybody is smiling and so happy! I just love it. It always makes me tear up a little bit.

We went to a party at a friend's house. I made peanut butter cookies with banana and chocolate chips. I used the recipe from Sarah Kramer's La Dolce Vegan!. I did some with chocolate chips and some without because I have some friends who don't do chocolate. There was all sorts of yummy food! Guacamole, homemade pretzels, homemade marinara, Christal's famous pinwheels, and Mark's mashed potatoes. I have pictures of my cookies, but I forgot to get a picture of the table at the party. (I am a bit forgetful)

I hope you have enjoyed the pictures of Clay Matthews. And I hope you can endure one more picture of a very handsome man...

I think he's my favorite. :)

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